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Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: водитель с легковым авто
Добавлено: 18-03-2009
Пол: не важно.
500 $

Предлагаю работу водителям в такси со своим легковым автотранспортом. Быстрый и высокий карьерный рост с возможностью создания своей группы водителей в этом бизнесе ( такси в такси ). Ежемесячная выплата бонусов.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Водитель с личным автомобилем
Добавлено: 15-03-2009
Пол: не важно.
500 $

Требуются сотрудники которые заинтересованы в получении достойной прибыли, которые умеют и хотят работать в команде, которым интересно работать не проcто водителем в такси, но и попробовать себя в качестве руководителя в этом такси.
Наша компания предлагает вам интересную работу в сфере пассажирских перевозок.
Знание города обязательно!!!
Если вас заинтересовало наше предложение, ждем ваших звонков в любое время.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Водитель
Добавлено: 26-02-2009
Пол: не важно.
400 $

Предлагаю работу в такси водителям со своим легковым автотранспортом.
Быстрый и высокий карьерный рост. Ежемесячная выплата бонусов.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Водитель
Добавлено: 26-02-2009
Пол: не важно.
4000 $

Предлагаю работу в такси водителям со своим легковым автотранспортом.
Быстрый и высокий карьерный рост. Ежемесячная выплата бонусов.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Водитель Руководитель
Добавлено: 25-02-2009
Пол: не важно.
500 $

Требуются сотрудники которые заинтересованы в получении достойной прибыли, которые умеют и хотят работать в команде, которым интересно работать не проcто водителем в такси, но и попробовать себя в качестве руководителя в этом такси.
Наша компания предлагает вам интересную работу в сфере пассажирских перевозок.
Если вас заинтересовало наше предложение, ждем ваших звонков в любое время.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: таксист
Добавлено: 24-02-2009
Пол: не важно. Возраст от 18 до 60

Предлагаю работу в сфере перевозок (такси) для водителей со своим автомобилем
быстрый и высокий карьерный рост с возможностью создания своей команды

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: водитель
Добавлено: 24-02-2009
Пол: мужской.

Срочно требуется водитель для работы на камазе,для перевозке(зерна,овощей,,,,,)

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Logistics Assistant/Fleet Manager
Добавлено: 23-02-2009
Пол: не важно.
1000 $

Job Title: Logistics Assistant/Fleet Manager
Duty Station: Odessa, Ukraine
Category: Democratic Governance
Project Title: EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (00063781)
Contract type: Service Contract (ICS6)
Starting Date: as soon as possible

In June 2005 the Presidents of Moldova and Ukraine sent a joint letter to the EU requesting assistance for enhanced border management capacities, including the development of an international standard of border and customs control at the Moldova/Ukraine state border. The EU responded positively to this request and an EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine was set-up which is based on a Memorandum of Understanding dated 7 October 2005 and signed between the European Commission, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. UNDP is the European Commission’s implementing partner in this endeavour. The initial duration of the EUBAM was 2 years until November 2007. Its mandate has been extended for further 2 years until end of November 2009.

Under the direct supervision of the Chief of Administration, the Logistics Assistant/ Fleet Manager) assists ensures efficient fleet management of the project fleet, proper organization of transportation services and other logistical services upon demand, ensuring high quality and accuracy of work. The Logistics Assistant/Fleet Manager) promotes a collaborative, client-focused, quality and results-oriented approach in the delivery of all services.

Duties and responsibilities
• Ensures full compliance of UN/UNDP and EUBAM specific rules and regulations, policies and strategies on vehicle and fleet management, and event management including high-level visits;
• Ensures implementation of cost saving measures through advanced planning and effective organization of daily/weekly schedules of work for drivers within EUBAM HQ;
• Ensures optimum utilization of the available pool of vehicles through allocation of duties to drivers (EUBAM drivers at HQ and other temporary drivers under subcontracting arrangements) keeping in mind security standards;
• Ensures that all transport team members receive proper safe-driving and defensive driving training and periodic updates;
• Ensures cost-savings through proper use of vehicles by monitoring daily vehicle logs, vehicle maintenance plans and reports on petrol consumption etc;
• Ensures proper day-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicle through timely minor repairs and arrangements for major repairs;
• Reviews servicing and repair invoice (through preparation of subsequent report table for materials and labour charges) for accuracy of charges against services performed before submitting for payment;
• Keeps abreast of rules and regulations issued by Transport Authorities pertaining to vehicle maintenance, certification, disposal, etc;
• Prepares on monthly basis the fuel monitor report and provides fuel expenditure analysis per each of EUBAM vehicles to the Head of Administration;
• Plans the vehicles’ expendable items procurement;
• Ensures insurance for official vehicles;
• Supervises the drivers at HQ and assigns the day to day transfers;
• Administers driving tests to temporary drivers prior to using them for driving office vehicles;
• Plans and organizes transport schedule to meet the requirements of high level visitors and delegations, as and when required;
• Is responsible for timely replenishment of fuel for all the vehicles;
• Ensures that the steps required by UNDP Rules and Regulations are followed when drivers are involved in accidents;
• Runs errands for the office and drives UN staff when no other driver is available and when a driver is on leave;
• Arranges registration of official vehicles and personal vehicles of international staff with transport authorities;
• Safeguards both vehicles and passengers through rigorous monitoring of security measures put in place and ensuring MOSS compliance in close collaboration with Security Unit;
• Ensures effective design and implementation of systems and processes for managing transport team and provide high quality services and client orientation;
• Liaises and plans all operational arrangements to be made for events such as high-level visits, workshops, conferences and other high-profile functions;
• Manages logistics and arrangements around activities such as catering, provision of beverages, conference equipment, car hailing system, decorations and tenting to name a few;
• Initiates and follows-up the customs clearance, receipt and distribution of goods related to transport of EUBAM and received for Mission operational activities;
• Substitutes for Assets Management Assistant during his/her absence.

Required competencies:
• Ability to perform a variety of standard specialized and non-specialized tasks related to fleet management, transportation and customs clearance;
• Ability to review a variety of data, identify and adjust discrepancies, identify and resolve operational problems;
• Ability to perform work of confidential nature and handle a large volume of work;
• Sound knowledge of administrative rules and regulations;
• Ability to provide input to business processes re-engineering, implementation of new system;
• Focus on result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
• Ability to work in team; energetic optimistic approach to all possible problems
• Ability to work under continuous pressure and during extra working hours when/if required and meet deadlines.
• Ability to remain calm, in control and good humoured even under pressure.

Required qualifications
• University degree preferably in engineering or business or public administration;
• Minimum 3 years of progressive experience in the area of fleet management, operational support and procurement preferably in the international environment;
• Ability to understand, address and discuss technical issues related to servicing, maintenance and repair of the vehicles.
• Experience with technical assistance projects is an asset;
• Knowledge of the Ukrainian and international laws and local commercial procedures;
• Excellent knowledge of English, Russian and Ukrainian languages;
• Proficiency in usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.);
• Valid driving license is required.

Interested applicants should submit CV in English language with the reference to this position to e-mail address: [email protected].

The closing date for applications is 13 March 2009. No telephone inquiries will be entertained. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Please, indicate Logistics Assistant/(Fleet Manager) for in the Subject line of your message. Please also mention the minimal salary level expected in your cover letter/CV.
UNDP will use a transparent and competitive screening process, though will only contact those applicants in whom there is further interest. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Водитель
Добавлено: 23-02-2009
Пол: не важно.

Предлагаю работу в сфере перевозок водителям со своим легковым автомобилем. Быстрый и высокий карьерный рост с возможностью создания своей команды в этом бизнесе.

Тел. 80967689029

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Водитель со своим автомобилем
Добавлено: 21-02-2009
Пол: мужской.

Водитель со своим автомобилем Хюндай «Санта-Фе» 2007гв. Муж. 29 лет кат. ВСД стаж вождения 11 лет. Отличные навыки безаварийного вождения, аккуратность, исполнительность, не конфликтность, знание Одессы и дорог Украины. тел 8(050)917-65-69, 8(048)703-27-40 Константин.

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