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Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: водитель-экспедитор
Добавлено: 14-05-2009
Пол: мужской. Возраст от 25

Требуется водитель-экспедитор со своим грузовым (от 2 до 5т) автомобилем.

График работы: "по клиентам".

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: ВОДИТЕЛЬ
Добавлено: 04-05-2009
Пол: не важно.

требуется водитель со своим фургоном типа SPRINT для перевозки личных вещей, мебели из Бельгии в Одессу.
сообшите свой телефон.
писать по е.почте [email protected]

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: водитель катВ
Добавлено: 01-05-2009
Пол: мужской.
400 $

водитель на лег авто стаж 20лет.Мне 40лет без вредных привычек к тому же не женат рассмотрю любые предложения.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Менеджер по доставке товара на своём авто
Добавлено: 30-04-2009
Пол: не важно.
200 $

доставка товара по городу

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Водитель-экспедитор с грузовым втомобилем г/п 1.5т.
Добавлено: 30-04-2009
Пол: мужской. Возраст от 22 до 45
2900 $

В крупную торговую компанию требуется водитель -экспедитор с грузовым автомобилем гп -1.5т
-от 20-50лет
-проживание г. Одесса
-автомобиль на дизельном топливе
-пунктуальность, порядочность
-развоз товара по городу
.График работы ПН-Суб. с 8:00 до последнего клиента
Оплата 2900грн + переработки + топливо + 2 ТО в месяц.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: водитель
Добавлено: 26-04-2009
Пол: не важно.
700 $

Требуется водитель руководителя предприятия, опыт работы не менее 5-ти лет,без вредных привычек. З/п-5000 грн

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Driver
Добавлено: 23-04-2009
Пол: не важно.

Job Title: Driver
Duty Station: Odessa region (city of Odessa, Kotovsk or Kuchurgan)
Category: Democratic Governance
Project Title: EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (00063781)
Starting Date: 1 June 2009
Application deadline: 15 May 2009

In June 2005 the Presidents of Moldova and Ukraine sent a joint letter to the EU requesting assistance for enhanced border management capacities, including the development of an international standard of border and customs control at the Moldova/Ukraine state border. The EU responded positively to this request and an EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine was set-up which is based on a Memorandum of Understanding dated 7 October 2005 and signed between the European Commission, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. UNDP is the European Commission’s implementing partner in this endeavour. The initial duration of the EUBAM was 2 years until November 2007. Its mandate has been extended for further 2 years until end of November 2009.

Under the guidance and supervision of the Head of Office, the Driver provides reliable and safe driving services to the field office and other officials and visitors ensuring highest standards of discretion and integrity, sense of responsibility, excellent knowledge of protocol and security issues. The Driver also demonstrates a client-oriented approach, courtesy, tact and ability to work with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.

Upon request of the supervisor, the Driver can be also required to provide driving services to other offices of the EUBAM, short-term consultants and other EUBAM/UNDP personnel on mission

Duties and responsibilities:
• Drive the project’s vehicle for timely and safe transportation of personnel related to the project and for delivery and collection of mail, documents, pouches, equipment and other items as required under the project;
• Meet official personnel at the airport and other entry points, facilitates immigration and customs formalities and provides city transfers as required;
• Assume responsibility for the day-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicle, regularly checks oil, water, battery charge, brakes, tires, etc. in order to keep the vehicle operational at all times;
• Perform minor vehicle repairs, plans and arranges for other repairs, replacements, services and maintenance procedures in a way most convenient for the project;
• Ensures that the vehicle is kept clean;
• Ensure vehicle security;
• Interact with the traffic police and/or other competent parties on all issues related to vehicle registration, technical inspection, pass authorization, foreign travel formalities etc.;
• Forecast and plan vehicle's fuel consumption and advises the Administrative Assistant on issues related to fuel procurement;
• Maintain daily vehicle usage logs, reporting all official trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing, etc.;
• Ensure that the steps required by applicable laws, rules and regulations are taken in case if involvement of the project vehicle in a traffic accident;
• Provide full and accurate event and accident reports as required;
• Manage customs clearance procedures and ensures proper delivery of Project related commodities;
• Provide troubleshooting services for the project office premises, affiliate facilities and furniture;
• Perform other duties as required.

• Demonstrates commitment to EUBAM’s mission, vision and values;
• Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
• Demonstrates excellent knowledge of driving rules and regulations and skills in minor vehicle repair;
• Demonstrates excellent knowledge of protocol;
• Demonstrates excellent knowledge of security issues;
• Focuses on result for the client;
• Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
• Remains calm, in control and good humoured even under pressure;
• Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of views.

• Secondary school diploma or equivalent;
• Valid driver's license of at least category B;
• 2-3 years’ work experience as a driver (recommendations required); experience of work for UN or other international organizations is an asset;
• Excellent knowledge of applicable Traffic Rules of Ukraine;
• Skills in minor and emergency vehicle repair;
• Safe driving record;
• Knowledge of spoken English is a mandatory requirement;
• Basic knowledge of office software is an asset.

How to apply
Interested applicants should submit CV in English language with the reference to this position either via the following link: http://jobs-admin.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?job_id=9940 or e-mail address: [email protected]. In case of email submissions, please indicate “Driver” in the Subject line of your message.

No telephone inquiries will be entertained. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

UNDP will use a transparent and competitive screening process, though will only contact those applicants in whom there is further interest. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Вулканизаторщик
Добавлено: 21-04-2009
Пол: не важно.
500 $

О/р – обязателен
Пол: мужской
Возраст: не важно
Личностные качества: порядочность, ответственность, коммуникабельность.
Условия работы:
График работы: шестидневка с 08.00 до 18.00
Зарплата: высокая
Район: Таирово.
777 01 39; 8 067 905 60 06; 8 068 819 26 00; Нина Дмитриевна, Алена.
e-mail: [email protected]
сайт: http://www.jobnatali.com ;

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Вулканизаторщик
Добавлено: 14-04-2009
Пол: не важно.
400 $

О/р – обязателен
Пол: мужской
Возраст: не важно
Личностные качества: порядочность, ответственность, коммуникабельность.
Условия работы:
График работы: шестидневка с 08.00 до 18.00
Зарплата: высокая
Район: Таирово.
777 01 39; 8 067 905 60 06; 8 068 819 26 00; Нина Дмитриевна, Алена.
e-mail: [email protected]
сайт: http://www.jobnatali.com ;

Добавить в блокнот Вакансия: Водитель со своим автомобилем
Добавлено: 07-04-2009
Пол: не важно.
200 $

служба доставки по городу

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